I have recetly written an article about the Loebner Prize contest. The contest has been organized every year since 1991 and it will be held in conjunction with InterSpeech, in Brighton, UK this year. Check out the whole article!
Well, I had again to do something ;-) The task is to generate/create/update a decoding graph for KALDI on the fly. In my case, I aim at changing a G (grammar) in the context of a dialogue system. One can generate a new HCLG but this would take a lot of time as this involves FST determinization, epsilon-removal, minimization, etc. Therefore, I tried to use on-the-fly composition of statically prepared HCL and G. At first, I struggled with it but later I made it work. See https://github.com/jpuigcerver/kaldi-decoders/issues/1 Here is a short summary: At the end, I managed to get LabelLookAheadMatcher to work. It is mostly based on the code and examples in opendcd, e.g. https://github.com/opendcd/opendcd/blob/master/script/makegraphotf.sh . First, Here is how I build and prepare the HCL and G. Please not that OpenFST must be compiled with --enable-lookahead-fsts , see http://www.openfst.org/twiki/bin/view/FST/ReadMe . #--------------- fstdeterminize ${lang}/...