In the code bellow, is an example of policy evaluation for very simple task. Example is taken from the book: "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Surto and Barto".
This is an example of policy evaluation for a random walk policy.
Example 6.2: Random Walk from the book:
"Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Surto and Barto"
The policy is evaluated by dynamic programing and TD(0).
In this example, the policy can start in five states 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and end in
two states 0 and 6. The allowed transitions between the states are as follwes:
0 <-> 1 <-> 2 <-> 3 <-> 4 <-> 5 <-> 6
The reward for ending in the state 6 is 1.
The reward for ending in the state 0 is 0.
In any state, except the final states, you can take two actions: 'left' and 'right'.
In the final states the policy and episodes end.
Because this example implements the random walk policy then both actions can be
taken with the probability 0.5 .
import random
# Instead of letters, I use number for the states. The states 0 and 6 are the final states.
# The states 1,...,5 are the states A,...,E
states = range(0,7)
finalStates = [0,6]
reward = [ 1 if s == 6 else 0 for s in states]
def policy(s):
"""Random walk policy: ations are 'go left' nand 'go right'."""
return random.choice(['left', 'right'])
def execute_policy(s, a):
"""Change state based on the taken action."""
if a == 'left':
return s - 1
return s + 1
def TD_0(V_star, alpha, gamma, numOfEpisodes = 10000):
"""Use Temporal-Difference Learning to learn V^*."""
for episode in range(numOfEpisodes):
# select random start state
s = random.randint(min(states)+1, max(states)-1)
endOfEpisode = False
while not endOfEpisode:
if s in finalStates:
# evaluate the value of the final state
V_star[s] = V_star[s] + alpha*(reward[s] - V_star[s])
# because we are in the final state then end the episode
endOfEpisode = True
# get an action for this state from the policy
a = policy(s)
# execute policy => take an action
s_prime = execute_policy(s, a)
# evaluate the action
V_star[s] = V_star[s] + alpha*(reward[s] + gamma*V_star[s_prime] - V_star[s])
s = s_prime
def V(s, d = 0):
"""Value function computed by dynamic programing."""
if d > 20:
return 0
if s in finalStates:
return reward[s]
return 0.5*(V(s-1, d+1) + V(s+1, d+1))
## Experiments
gamma = 1
print("TD(0): alpha = 0.15")
# init the value function
V_star = [0.5 for s in states]
TD_0(V_star, 0.15, gamma, 100000)
for s, V_s in enumerate(V_star):
V_s_star = s/6.0
print("V(%d) = %0.3f err = %.3f" % (s, V_s, abs(V_s_star - V_s)))
print("TD(0): alpha = 0.05")
# init the value function
V_star = [0.5 for s in states]
TD_0(V_star, 0.05, gamma, 100000)
for s, V_s in enumerate(V_star):
V_s_star = s/6.0
print("V(%d) = %0.3f err = %.3f" % (s, V_s, abs(V_s_star - V_s)))
print "Dynamic programing:"
for s in states:
V_s_star = s/6.0
V_s = V(s)
print("V(%d) = %0.3f err = %.3f" % (s, V_s, abs(V_s_star - V_s)))