Backup your hard drive over the network with dd and ssh:
... wanted to copy everything off the disk and send it over the network. So we can do it with ssh. First zero out the non used space on the running disk to make compressing the image much eaiser. Using the command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=0bits bs=20M; rm 0bits
Then boot knoppix (or any other bootable linux distro like sysrescuecd) from the machine you want to image and give the command:
dd if=/dev/sda | gzip -1 - | ssh user@hostname dd of=image.gz
Assuming sda is your hard drive. This sends the local disks data to the remote machine. To restore the image boot knoppix on the machine to restore and pull the image that you created and dump it back with the command:
ssh user@hostname dd if=image.gz | gunzip -1 - | dd of=/dev/sda